allowlist Contract
allowlist Contract: { read: Allowlist ; write: Allowlist ; }
Type declaration
read: Allowlist
write: Allowlist
connected: boolean = false
debug: boolean = false
isPKP: boolean = false
lit Token Contract
lit Token Contract: { read: LITToken ; write: LITToken ; }
Type declaration
read: LITToken
write: LITToken
multisender Contract
multisender Contract: { read: Multisender ; write: Multisender ; }
Type declaration
read: Multisender
write: Multisender
network: "cayenne" | "manzano" | "habanero" | "custom" | "localhost"
options?: { storeOrUseStorageKey?: boolean ; }
Type declaration
store Or Use Storage Key?: boolean
pkp Helper Contract
pkp Helper Contract: { read: PKPHelper ; write: PKPHelper ; }
Type declaration
read: PKPHelper
write: PKPHelper
pkp Helper Contract Util
pkp Helper Contract Util: { read: {} ; write: { mintNextAndAddAuthMethods: ( ( param0: { addPkpEthAddressAsPermittedAddress: boolean ; keyType: string ; permittedAuthMethodIds: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodPubkeys: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodScopes: string [] [] ; permittedAuthMethodTypes: string [] ; sendPkpToItself: boolean ; } ) => Promise < any > ) ; } ; } = ...
Type declaration
read: {}
write: { mintNextAndAddAuthMethods: ( ( param0: { addPkpEthAddressAsPermittedAddress: boolean ; keyType: string ; permittedAuthMethodIds: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodPubkeys: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodScopes: string [] [] ; permittedAuthMethodTypes: string [] ; sendPkpToItself: boolean ; } ) => Promise < any > ) ; }
mint Next And Add Auth Methods: ( ( param0: { addPkpEthAddressAsPermittedAddress: boolean ; keyType: string ; permittedAuthMethodIds: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodPubkeys: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodScopes: string [] [] ; permittedAuthMethodTypes: string [] ; sendPkpToItself: boolean ; } ) => Promise < any > )
( param0: { addPkpEthAddressAsPermittedAddress: boolean ; keyType: string ; permittedAuthMethodIds: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodPubkeys: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodScopes: string [] [] ; permittedAuthMethodTypes: string [] ; sendPkpToItself: boolean ; } ) : Promise < any >
param0: { addPkpEthAddressAsPermittedAddress: boolean ; keyType: string ; permittedAuthMethodIds: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodPubkeys: string [] ; permittedAuthMethodScopes: string [] [] ; permittedAuthMethodTypes: string [] ; sendPkpToItself: boolean ; }
add Pkp Eth Address As Permitted Address: boolean
key Type: string
permitted Auth Method Ids: string []
permitted Auth Method Pubkeys: string []
permitted Auth Method Scopes: string [] []
permitted Auth Method Types: string []
send Pkp To Itself: boolean
Returns Promise < any >
pkp Nft Contract
pkp Nft Contract: { read: PKPNFT ; write: PKPNFT ; }
Type declaration
read: PKPNFT
write: PKPNFT
pkp Nft Contract Utils
: { read
: { getTokens
: ( ( latestNumberOfTokens
: number ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; getTokensByAddress
: ( ( ownerAddress
: string ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; getTokensInfoByAddress
: ( ( ownerAddress
: string ) => Promise < TokenInfo [] > ) ; } ; write
: { claimAndMint
: ( ( derivedKeyId
: BytesLike , signatures
: SignatureStruct [] , txOpts
?: any ) => Promise < { res
: any ; tokenId
: any ; tx
: any ; } > ) ; mint
: ( ( ) => Promise < { pkp
: { ethAddress
: any ; publicKey
: any ; tokenId
: any ; } ; res
: any ; tokenId
: any ; tx
: any ; } > ) ; } ; } = ...
Type declaration
read: { getTokens: ( ( latestNumberOfTokens: number ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; getTokensByAddress: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; getTokensInfoByAddress: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < TokenInfo [] > ) ; }
get Tokens: ( ( latestNumberOfTokens: number ) => Promise < string [] > )
( latestNumberOfTokens: number ) : Promise < string [] >
latestNumberOfTokens: number
Returns Promise < string [] >
get Tokens By Address: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < string [] > )
( ownerAddress: string ) : Promise < string [] >
Returns Promise < string [] >
get Tokens Info By Address: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < TokenInfo [] > )
write: { claimAndMint: ( ( derivedKeyId: BytesLike , signatures: SignatureStruct [] , txOpts?: any ) => Promise < { res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > ) ; mint: ( ( ) => Promise < { pkp: { ethAddress: any ; publicKey: any ; tokenId: any ; } ; res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > ) ; }
claim And Mint: ( ( derivedKeyId: BytesLike , signatures: SignatureStruct [] , txOpts?: any ) => Promise < { res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > )
( derivedKeyId: BytesLike , signatures: SignatureStruct [] , txOpts?: any ) : Promise < { res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
signatures: SignatureStruct []
txOpts: any
Returns Promise < { res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
mint: ( ( ) => Promise < { pkp: { ethAddress: any ; publicKey: any ; tokenId: any ; } ; res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > )
( ) : Promise < { pkp: { ethAddress: any ; publicKey: any ; tokenId: any ; } ; res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
Returns Promise < { pkp: { ethAddress: any ; publicKey: any ; tokenId: any ; } ; res: any ; tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
pkp Nft Metadata Contract
pkp Nft Metadata Contract: { read: PKPNFTMetadata ; write: PKPNFTMetadata ; }
Type declaration
read: PKPNFTMetadata
write: PKPNFTMetadata
pkp Permissions Contract
pkp Permissions Contract: { read: PKPPermissions ; write: PKPPermissions ; }
Type declaration
read: PKPPermissions
write: PKPPermissions
pkp Permissions Contract Utils
pkp Permissions Contract Utils: { read: { getPermittedActions: ( ( tokenId: any ) => Promise < any [] > ) ; getPermittedAddresses: ( ( tokenId: string ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; isPermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < boolean > ) ; isPermittedAddress: ( ( tokenId: string , address: string ) => Promise < boolean > ) ; } ; write: { addPermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; addPermittedAddress: ( ( pkpId: string , ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; revokePermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; } ; } = ...
Type declaration
read: { getPermittedActions: ( ( tokenId: any ) => Promise < any [] > ) ; getPermittedAddresses: ( ( tokenId: string ) => Promise < string [] > ) ; isPermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < boolean > ) ; isPermittedAddress: ( ( tokenId: string , address: string ) => Promise < boolean > ) ; }
get Permitted Actions: ( ( tokenId: any ) => Promise < any [] > )
( tokenId: any ) : Promise < any [] >
Returns Promise < any [] >
get Permitted Addresses: ( ( tokenId: string ) => Promise < string [] > )
( tokenId: string ) : Promise < string [] >
Returns Promise < string [] >
is Permitted Action: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < boolean > )
( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) : Promise < boolean >
pkpId: string
ipfsId: string
Returns Promise < boolean >
is Permitted Address: ( ( tokenId: string , address: string ) => Promise < boolean > )
( tokenId: string , address: string ) : Promise < boolean >
tokenId: string
address: string
Returns Promise < boolean >
write: { addPermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; addPermittedAddress: ( ( pkpId: string , ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; revokePermittedAction: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; }
add Permitted Action: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > )
( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) : Promise < any >
pkpId: string
ipfsId: string
Returns Promise < any >
add Permitted Address: ( ( pkpId: string , ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > )
( pkpId: string , ownerAddress: string ) : Promise < any >
pkpId: string
ownerAddress: string
Returns Promise < any >
revoke Permitted Action: ( ( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > )
( pkpId: string , ipfsId: string ) : Promise < any >
pkpId: string
ipfsId: string
Returns Promise < any >
private Key
private Key: string
pubkey Router Contract
pubkey Router Contract: { read: PubkeyRouter ; write: PubkeyRouter ; }
Type declaration
read: PubkeyRouter
write: PubkeyRouter
random Private Key
random Private Key: boolean = false
rate Limit Nft Contract
rate Limit Nft Contract: { read: RateLimitNFT ; write: RateLimitNFT ; }
Type declaration
read: RateLimitNFT
write: RateLimitNFT
rate Limit Nft Contract Utils
rate Limit Nft Contract Utils: { read: { getCapacityByIndex: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < any > ) ; getTokenURIByIndex: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < string > ) ; getTokens: ( ( ) => Promise < any > ) ; getTokensByOwnerAddress: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; } ; write: { mint: ( ( __namedParameters: { mintCost: { value: any ; } ; timestamp: number ; } ) => Promise < { tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > ) ; transfer: ( ( __namedParameters: { RLITokenAddress: string ; fromAddress: string ; toAddress: string ; } ) => Promise < any > ) ; } ; } = ...
Type declaration
read: { getCapacityByIndex: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < any > ) ; getTokenURIByIndex: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < string > ) ; getTokens: ( ( ) => Promise < any > ) ; getTokensByOwnerAddress: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; }
get Capacity By Index: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < any > )
( index: number ) : Promise < any >
Returns Promise < any >
get TokenURIBy Index: ( ( index: number ) => Promise < string > )
( index: number ) : Promise < string >
Returns Promise < string >
get Tokens: ( ( ) => Promise < any > )
( ) : Promise < any >
Returns Promise < any >
get Tokens By Owner Address: ( ( ownerAddress: string ) => Promise < any > )
( ownerAddress: string ) : Promise < any >
Returns Promise < any >
write: { mint: ( ( __namedParameters: { mintCost: { value: any ; } ; timestamp: number ; } ) => Promise < { tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > ) ; transfer: ( ( __namedParameters: { RLITokenAddress: string ; fromAddress: string ; toAddress: string ; } ) => Promise < any > ) ; }
mint: ( ( __namedParameters: { mintCost: { value: any ; } ; timestamp: number ; } ) => Promise < { tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } > )
( __namedParameters: { mintCost: { value: any ; } ; timestamp: number ; } ) : Promise < { tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
__namedParameters: { mintCost: { value: any ; } ; timestamp: number ; }
mint Cost: { value: any ; }
timestamp: number
Returns Promise < { tokenId: any ; tx: any ; } >
transfer: ( ( __namedParameters: { RLITokenAddress: string ; fromAddress: string ; toAddress: string ; } ) => Promise < any > )
( __namedParameters: { RLITokenAddress: string ; fromAddress: string ; toAddress: string ; } ) : Promise < any >
__namedParameters: { RLITokenAddress: string ; fromAddress: string ; toAddress: string ; }
RLIToken Address: string
from Address: string
to Address: string
Returns Promise < any >
router Contract Utils
router Contract Utils: { read: {} ; write: {} ; } = ...
staking Balances Contract
staking Balances Contract: { read: StakingBalances ; write: StakingBalances ; }
Type declaration
read: StakingBalances
write: StakingBalances
staking Contract
staking Contract: { read: Staking ; write: Staking ; }
Type declaration
read: Staking
write: Staking
utils: { decToHex: any ; getBytes32FromMultihash: ( ( ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > ) ; getBytesFromMultihash: ( ( multihash: string ) => string ) ; getMultihashFromBytes: ( ( byte32: string ) => string ) ; hexToDec: any ; timestamp2Date: ( ( timestamp: string ) => string ) ; } = ...
Type declaration
dec To Hex: any
get Bytes32 From Multihash: ( ( ipfsId: string ) => Promise < any > )
( ipfsId: string ) : Promise < any >
Returns Promise < any >
get Bytes From Multihash: ( ( multihash: string ) => string )
( multihash: string ) : string
Returns string
get Multihash From Bytes: ( ( byte32: string ) => string )
( byte32: string ) : string
Returns string
hex To Dec: any
timestamp2 Date: ( ( timestamp: string ) => string )
( timestamp: string ) : string
Returns string